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Django vs Ruby on Rails Comparison: Which Framework is Better in 2024? September 21, 2022

The programming industry features a wide range of different web development frameworks. Django vs Ruby on Rails are two robust web development frameworks, each boasting distinct advantages and limitations. Django, built upon Python, serves as a powerful web framework, while Ruby on Rails is rooted in the Ruby programming language. Django excels in handling intricate database-driven…

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Offshore Software Development Cost: Developers Rates by Country & Best Destinations to Hire September 19, 2022

Globalization carries a lot of benefits, and IT companies use them for their advancement. It is a lot cheaper to outsource and you can have access to a much wider talent pool if you are looking worldwide. In 2019, the offshore software development market reached almost $100 billion, and the trend has grown since, considering…

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Top 5 Large-Scale Django Web Hosting Companies September 19, 2022

Getting the best hosting for Django that can meet all your requirements might be really challenging, but surely worth the effort. Regardless of the software you are going to host, choosing a reliable hosting provider ensures you’ll get maximum efficiency at the most reasonable price. Nevertheless, we all understand that time is money, and all…

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Python Developer Salary & Cost to Hire September 13, 2022

Python has been an immensely popular programming language for a long time. It features simplified syntax and versatility, has an extremely easy learning curve, and is completely free to use. Being supported by a large ecosystem of libraries and packages, it’s the first-choice language for many developers. As of 2022, Python has the title of…

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Top 10 Python Development Companies August 11, 2022

Among a wide range of Python development companies presented in the IT industry today, it becomes more and more challenging to pick up your ideal one. When searching for the best Python development companies, there are many aspects to consider, such as pricing, past experience, industry focus, and more. Overloaded with this information, business owners…

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What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business July 22, 2022

It is a challenge to choose the fitting language for your next project. There are almost 9,000 programming languages, 245 of which are considered notable. So what is the right one for you? We can’t provide a clear answer, considering how individual every project is and how different tasks and requirements are. However, we can…

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Hire Software Developers in Ukraine: Key Reasons and How to Do It? January 25, 2022

Remote work and further globalization have made outsourcing a standard practice in the IT industry. If you can work the same way but with a broader tool – why not do so? Ukraine has become an attractive option for outsourcing in recent years. You can find experts for every technology or role there, with an…