Build Everything You Need with Full-Stack Developers

Turn to Uvik to pick a proper full stack developer for hire. Seamlessly combining front-end finesse and back-end robustness, our skilled developers handle the entire development spectrum. Get an expert ready to breathe life into your digital vision and business.
Full Stack Developer Outstaffing
Are you searching for top-tier talent to drive your business forward? Need a Full Stack Developer who can help you build innovative solutions and unlock the full potential of your projects? Uvik is your trusted partner. Our team of experts specializes in finding the perfect fit for your software development needs. Whether it's strategizing, designing, or creating software from the ground up, we're here to deliver tailored solutions that align seamlessly with your requirements. From front-end to back-end development, we'll empower your team to harness the latest technologies for maximum impact. Rely on Uvik, the premier choice for hiring Full Stack Developers, and propel your business to new heights.

Full Stack Development Services

Hire full stack developers to enjoy the broad expertise the Uvik company provides.

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Front End Full Stack Development

Get professionals who create interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Our specialists implement various front-end frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.js. We ensure a seamless journey across devices and deliver a bright and clear user experience.
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Back End Full Stack Development

Uvik engineers build server-side logic and APIs using Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, and more. We utilize frameworks like Express, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Spring Boot. Also, we cover database integration, authentication, and security features.
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Full Stack Web Development

We provide staff to design and build responsive and interactive web applications using front-end and back-end technologies. Our team implements user interfaces and user experience (UI/UX) leveraging the power of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Typescript.
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Full Stack Mobile Development

Whether you need native or cross-platform development, the Uvik experts will bring it to life. We work with iOS (Swift), Android (Java, Kotlin), and cross-platform (Dart, Javascript, Python) programming languages.
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MEAN Stack Developer

The MEAN stack utilizes JavaScript on the client and server sides, ensuring smooth development. Build dynamic and robust web applications from scratch with Uvik professionals.
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PERN Stack Development

When using PERN, our engineers utilize a powerful and flexible blend of PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, and Node.js. With these technologies, we deliver lightweight and load-resistant web applications.
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LAMP Stack Developer

The LAMP stack is a traditional choice for web development. We combine open-source technologies to create web applications with PHP as the primary server-side scripting language.
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Full-stack Support and Maintenance

Whether you’re dealing with an existing product or need to build one from scratch, Uvik got you covered. Our professionals provide ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, updates, and improvements to ensure your app functions as expected. We also take on technical support to address issues and assist your end users.

Technology Expertise of Our Full Stack Developer

Uvik’s full stack developers for hire have rich expertise in multiple development aspects. We deal with front-end, back-end, APIs, and advanced technologies, including ML and AI.

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Open Source:
  • Spark ml
  • Tensorflow
  • Caffe
  • Theano
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Amazon AWS:
  • Amazon machine learning
  • Amazon rekognition
  • Amazon Lex
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Microsoft Azure Cloud:
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure emotion API
  • Azure bot service
  • Azure language understanding Intelligent Service
  • Azure recommendations API

Our Full Stack Developer Hiring Models

We offer a simple procedure to hire a full stack web developer without compromising your future project’s quality. Discuss your main objectives with our manager, pick a convenient team composition, and estimate the workload. We also provide flexible job arrangement models. Choose between full-time, part-time, and hourly employment.

per week
One Month
min. period
per week
One Month
min. period
Depending on the project
min. period

Why Choose Uvik to Hire Full Stack Developers?

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Only middle and senior levels

A good selection is crucial when looking for a ready-to-go tailored team of professionals for your upcoming project. Our professionals have extensive portfolios and relevant backgrounds. They optimize resources, adapt to technology trends, and provide holistic user experiences.
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Discover your ideal match quickly

When looking for a ready-to-go tailored team of professionals for your upcoming project, a good selection is crucial. We have middle and senior engineers on the bench, ready to take on within days.
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Flexible financial planning

Get a staff augmentation for your initial budget plan. Uvik doesn’t charge overhead costs and setup fees, letting you allocate the budget once. Scale the team up or down according to your current needs and the project’s stages.
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Uncover true project dedication

Our full-stack developers deliver optimal outcomes, exceeding the ready-made technical task. They proactively seek superior solutions, come up with efficient optimizations, and strive for enhanced app performance.

Our Clients Say

Since 2015, the Uvik outsourcing team has helped numerous IT companies bring their most ambitious ideas into well-functioning projects, and here are some of the awards that we've gained during these years

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Hire a Dedicated Full Stack Developer

to Get Results Faster and More Efficiently

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Staff Augmentation Cost?

The hourly rates are calculated individually for each project, as they’re based on the clients’ objectives and needs, the average price tag varies from $50 to $99 per hour. Nevertheless, compared to its CEE competitors, the Uvik team features really attractive rates for the services delivered.

Can your full-stack developer help me complete my incomplete app development project?

Yes, full-stack developers from Uvik can help you complete your unfinished app development project. At the initial advisory stage, we will dive into your project specifics to pick up where you left off. Our engineers will work with many aspects of your application and bridge any gaps in your project. They will address front-end and back-end requirements, identify gaps, integrate components, and deliver a cohesive and functional application.

Can I hire Python developers of my choice?

Our team will help in hiring the most suitable developer for your project. However, if you have any preferences, we can discuss the possibility of hiring a certain one.
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