What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business

What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business - 1
Paul Francis

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    It is a challenge to choose the fitting language for your next project. There are almost 9,000 programming languages, 245 of which are considered notable. So what is the right one for you?

    We can’t provide a clear answer, considering how individual every project is and how different tasks and requirements are. However, we can tell you more about different languages and their peculiarities.

    This time, we will dive deep into the world of Python. The language was created back in 1991 and has become a classic ever since. It is the third most popular programming language and sixth most loved one.

    Let’s discover the uses of Python programming, what applications you can create with Python and what the business benefits of Python development are. We have also prepared a list of alternatives to consider.

    When Do You Need Python Development?

    The rapidly growing popularity of Python is explained by the numerous benefits of this language. Thus, you can rely on Python in the following scenarios:

    • When you need to create a product fast. Due to many reusable elements and pieces of code shared by the active community of developers and available completely for free, the Python development process is fast which is especially great for early-stage startups.
    • When you need to make a reliable product. Python is a very versatile language that can be utilized in various environments without any performance or security issues.
    • When you need to create a scalable product. Thanks to the simplicity of code, you can easily add new modules to it and substitute the old ones. Thus, you won’t face problems integrating new features and scaling your software for it to handle more masses of data.

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    Top 10 Popular Uses of Python in Business

    Python is a multi-purpose language. In fact, it is one of the most versatile programming languages, making it suitable for numerous projects and turning it into one of the numerous benefits of Python for business. It is also the reason why it is so used and why Python developers are always needed. Here are 10 use cases of Python for business.

    What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business - 3

    1. Web Applications

    Python is mostly used for creation of the back-end structure of website applications. It sends data to and from servers, processes data and communicates with databases, routes URLs, and takes care of security.

    The language offers numerous frameworks for different purposes as well, web development included. The most popular Python frameworks for web development are Django and Flask, they make the development much easier, faster, and more straightforward.

    Such big websites as DropBox, Quora, Reddit, and Bitly have built parts of their websites with Python.

    2. Data Science Solutions

    Python is a go-to language for all data scientists. It works for complex statistical calculations and data optimization, modification, and analysis, as well as other data-related tasks. Python also offers great functionality for data visualizations.

    Python offers frameworks for data tasks as well. The most popular ones are Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy.

    3. Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions

    IoT has become a huge part of our lives: we use smartwatches, smart home apps, logistics tracking, etc. Mostly Python is used for developing these technologies. It is mostly applied for back-end development, namely for dealing with the cloud. It reduces data volume and helps to analyze data.

    4. Machine Learning Frameworks

    Machine learning is another data-related project that is done with Python. The primary reason for that is the simplicity of coding so that data researchers can focus on actual data rather than the coding itself. The language also works great for prototyping which is a big part of machine learning.

    Obviously, it also allows you to work with artificial intelligence which is based on machine learning.

    5. Natural Language Processing Solutions

    It is yet another example where researchers want to focus on NLP rather than the coding itself. So Python makes a lot of sense as a primary choice. It also has two great libraries, the Natural Language toolkit, and TextBlob, which make the task even easier.

    6. Video Game Development

    The video game industry accepts numerous language choices. Python is in the mix as well, it is especially good for quick prototyping and implementation. Such games as World of Tanks, The Sims 4, and Battlefield 2 are either created with Python or have some elements created with it.

    The only scenario where Python may be a miss is a complex game where speed is extremely important.

    7. Entertainment Applications

    Entertainment apps include streaming (music or videos) and communications (social media and messengers). Python offers back-end, as well as data parts. Algorithms, built with Python, choose users’ favorite music, videos they might like, and influencers they might want to follow.

    Python data operations within the apps ensure that people will be engaged and stay there for longer. You can find uses of Python in businesses like Netflix, Instagram, Facebook, and Spotify use Python as its components.

    8. Computational and Scientific Operations

    Python has numerous applications in the scientific field. It is easy to learn and has libraries for different purposes. It allows scientists to work with statistics, bioinformatics, psychology and neuroscience, astronomy, etc. Just find the right library, and you are ready to use technology for better and faster research.

    9. Blockchain

    Even though Python is not widely used for blockchain yet, it does have great potential. It is likely that in 5 years it will overtake its main competitor, C++. Python allows doing one operation with a single line of code which makes coding and blockchain operations less bulky.

    It is also perfect for blockchain smart contracts and is actively used within this area even now.

    10. Fintech Platforms

    Most fintech solutions are built with Python, according to HackerRank. Such big solutions as Stripe, Zopa, Affirm, and Revolut used the language during their development.

    It is mostly connected to the fact that FinTech is all about numbers, calculations, algorithms, and data analysis. As we have mentioned, Python offers numerous libraries for that and is overall the best choice for data operations.

    10 Powerful Benefits of Python Development for Your Business

    So why is it that Python has become so popular for so many different projects? Let’s take a look at why companies use Python for business app development.

    What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business - 4

    Taken from: https://www.pixelcrayons.com/blog/python-for-business-analytics/


    Python has a syntax that is quite similar to an English one. As a result, it is considered to be one of the easiest languages to learn for beginners and for those who need minimal coding knowledge.

    The language is also easy to write and read. It means faster coding and faster onboarding for new development team members.

    Such easiness is one of the main benefits of choosing Python.

    Improved Productivity

    In some languages, you have to focus both on the syntax of the languages and on the problem you are trying to solve or an element you are creating. It slows down the development process a lot and makes further testing and improvement difficult.

    Python allows you to focus on the task at hand rather than on the code which boosts productivity significantly.

    A Very Loyal Community

    Python is one of the most popular and loved languages. As a result, it has a huge community that offers resources for learners and can help with challenges one may face during the development process.

    Communities have members from all over the world and industry so one can get industry-specific advice with no problem.

    Free Access

    The language itself is free, as well as all of its frameworks, libraries, and modules which is perfect for startups. It can save you quite a bit if you use Python for your business. Moreover, you can even modify and distribute your own versions of Python.

    Interpreted Language

    Python is an interpreted language. It means that it runs code line by line and in the case of any error, it does not execute any further processes. It is easy to find bugs this way.


    In Python, the language itself declares variables and their data types during the execution. The developer does not have to spend time and focus on it which saves time a lot.

    Numerous Libraries

    The Python language is multi-purpose and it supports this claim by offering numerous libraries. You can be a data scientist, a biologist, a fintech, or a health tech developer, and you will still find a library that can make your job easier. You do not have to look for external libraries or reinvent the wheel every time.


    Python works with the principle of writing once and running anywhere. You do not need to change the code to run the application on different systems which, once again, saves a lot of time and effort. However, it is important to exclude any system-dependent features.

    Compatible With Different Languages

    Some languages are better for performing certain tasks. Python allows you to add other languages and their libraries within your Python codebase to write some features more efficiently. However, it is not a green light to incorporate tons of languages and other libraries since it can slow down the end result quite a bit.

    You can also embed Python code in other languages without a problem. This is extremely useful for big software products.

    Less Coding

    Compared to other languages, Python needs less code for performing the same task. It leaves less room for mistakes and makes the code more readable.

    Are There Any Good Alternatives to Python for Development?

    The main two issues people have with Python are its low speed (due to the fact that it is dynamically typed and interpreted) and usage of a huge memory amount. If it is a huge issue for you, you can take a look at the alternatives.

    The answer to the Python alternative question mostly depends on the nature of your company and project. Every language works for one task better than the other:

    • If it is a data-connected project, Python is possibly the best choice with its rich set of libraries and easy coding. However, you can also go for Scala, R, Java, and JavaScript.
    • When it comes to back-end web development, you also have such alternatives as PHP, Java, or C#.
    • Game development is dominated by C++, Java, and JavaScript.

    Looking for Python Developers to Implement Your Business Ideas?

    The Uvik team will be happy to help turn your Python idea into a reality. We have more than 5 years of experience in the development industry and have gathered a team of talented professionals.

    Our developers have worked with Python projects from different perspectives: web development, data science, and game development. They have experience from different industries as well.

    Drop us a message with your project request, and we will find dedicated Python developers for you in no time.

    Final Thoughts

    Python is a great language that allows you to complete different kinds of projects across numerous industries. Python offers you fast coding, the opportunity to expand to other languages, and portability.

    Are you still not sure whether Python fits your project? Do not hesitate to reach out to Uvik and let software consultants find the best solution for you.


    What are the most popular Python use cases?

    Python is a multi-purpose language so it has numerous use cases: web applications, entertainment and fintech applications, data science (including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing) projects, and game development.

    Is Python development more expensive than other methods?

    No, it is not. Developers of other languages have quite the same salary. It is the complexity of a project that may influence the price.

    Is Python suitable for developing an ERP system?

    Yes, it is suitable for ERP systems. Many ready-made ERP solutions are built with Python.

    What are the three main Python benefits?

    It suits multiple purposes, it has a fast coding process and a big pool of developers.

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    What Is Python Used For: 10+ Benefits of Python for Business - 5

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