Top 5 Large-Scale Django Web Hosting Companies

Top 5 Large-Scale Django Web Hosting Companies - 1
Paul Francis

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    Getting the best hosting for Django that can meet all your requirements might be really challenging, but surely worth the effort. Regardless of the software you are going to host, choosing a reliable hosting provider ensures you’ll get maximum efficiency at the most reasonable price.

    Nevertheless, we all understand that time is money, and all business owners are willing to find their best Django hosting on the first try. While some people prefer to get a paid solution with the highest functionality, others are looking for the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

    In this article, Uvik experts who host Django websites on a regular basis will review the top 10 most popular hosting services for Django in small, mid, and large-scale segments with decent functionality.

    In our opinion, most of those options can keep their relevance as the best Django hosting in 2023 and beyond, which makes them surely worth consideration.

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    Choosing the Right Django Hosting Services: Quick Comparison

    Discovering the lucrative benefits of each service, may make it hard for you to come up with the final choice.

    For this reason, we’ve covered the characteristics of the most popular options reviewed above in a single table. This will allow you to quickly identify the best solution based on your priority features, such as CPU, availability, pricing plans, billing system, and many more.

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Hetzner HostGator DigitalOcean Linode
    Availability 87 Zones within 27 geographic regions 73 Zones within 24 geographic regions 4 Zones within 4 geographic regions 2 geographic regions, doesn’t allow to choose the data center 8 Zones within 13 geographic regions 87 Zones within 27 geographic regions
    Monthly Fee (730 hours) ~$17.52 ~$18.60 €2.49 $11.95 $10 $30
    Traffic Billing pay per use pay per use 20 TB pay per use 2 TB 4 TB
    vCPU 2 1 1 2 1 2
    RAM 2 GB 1.7 GB 2 GB 4 GB 2 GB 4 GB
    Storage Space purchased separately 10 GB SSD 20 GB SSD 20 GB SSD 50 GB 80 GB

    Now that you’ve reviewed which of the Django hostings can better serve your needs, let’s uncover all the details about each particular Django hosting service.

    Top 5 Large-Scale Django Web Hosting Companies

    At present, you can find many big players and mid-size enterprises offering the best hosting for Django websites and applications of different industry focus and functionality.

    For a more comprehensive analysis, we’ve decided to review the top choices in both segments so you can come up with an informative and resource-efficient decision that best suits your business.

    Let’s start with the large companies first.

    1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    AWS is an excellent option for basically any project due to its high adjustability, scalability, and wide coverage of different solutions. This solution works great for big enterprises with global branches, as well as mid-to-small projects of any complexity. What is more, it features an extremely functional construction kit and dashboard, that allows effectively running multiple projects at a time.

    Best Features of AWS:

    • Free trial for new users
    • Completely secure and compliant
    • Virtual Private Cloud for better flexibility
    • Easy-to-scale
    • Data centers are located across the world

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Paid technical support
    • Complex pricing system
    • Comparatively large learning curve due to a large number of features

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    Plans & Pricing: The pricing plans are based on the features you use and the number of resources needed for your project. So, once the trial ends, clients can calculate the overall cost of Django hosting with the on-site calculator.

    2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    Featured by Google, this service is the top choice for large enterprises that run Django projects based on big data storage and analytics, machine learning, AI solutions and so much more. Having reviewed the pricing, plans, and resource capacity offered, it becomes more than clear that Google Cloud Platform is mainly oriented toward big players, such as Spotify, Johnson-Johnson, Wix, and other companies.

    Best Features of Google Cloud Platform:

    • Work exceptionally well for analytics and data storage
    • Compatible with other Google products
    • Offers a decent speed and great connectivity
    • Linux and Windows OS support
    • Live migration with no downtime for websites and services

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Comparatively expensive pricing plans
    • Pay-as-you-go storage billing
    • Complex pricing schemes which are difficult to calculate in advance

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    Plans & Pricing: The pricing is comparatively average, starting at $0,020/mo per GB (Regional class) to $0,007/mo per GB (Coldline class). However, GCP also offers a free $300 credit for 12 months of use, which might seem profitable for some large-scale Django-based projects.

    3. Hetzner

    A German-based provider that offers dedicated and shared hosting services, as well as private cloud options with data centers located in Germany and Finland. So far, it’s been known as one of the most affordable Django hostings.

    Best Features of Hetzner:

    • Reasonable pricing
    • Free domain and SSL
    • Great bandwidth and loading speed
    • Environmental-friendly
    • Partnerships with Dell and Intel corporations

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • No uptime guarantee
    • The documentation provided in German
    • Limited cPanel functionality

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    Plans & Pricing: Hetzner comes at €9.65 for setup, after which you’ll be billed €1.85/mo or higher, depending on the functionality and resources required.

    4. Bluehost

    Bluehost is widely known for its flexible pricing policy, as well as the advanced features it offers for lower-tier users. That is why this hosting solution has been mostly applied among small to mid-size businesses.

    Best Features of Bluehost:

    • Offers shared hosting and VPS
    • Uptime and chargeback guarantee
    • Seamless website transfer and easy setup
    • User-friendly hosting dashboard
    • 24/7 phone, chat and email support

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Limited CPU capacity
    • No Windows support
    • Paid migration to other servers

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    Plans & Pricing: Features a wide range of pricing plans that ideally work for startups and large enterprises, the basic plan starts at $2.95/mo.

    5. HostGator

    If you’re looking for free Django hosting services or some really affordable options with wide functionality, make sure to try HostGator. The service offers managed cloud hosting, shared web hosting, VPS, and dedicated hosting which makes it an excellent choice for Django projects.

    Best Features of HostGator:

    • Free automatic website migration
    • Intuitive platform
    • A wide range of features
    • Extensive library with educational materials and guides
    • Uptime guarantee

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Weekly backups only
    • Overloaded shared hosting
    • Challenging website migration

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    Plans & Pricing: The service offers a 45-day trial, after which you can choose from the packages starting at $2.75/mo and higher. However, by using long-term plans, you can reduce the pay to less than $2 per month.

    Top 5 Medium Django Hosting Services

    If you’re searching for affordable and more specific hostings instead, there are also some smaller platforms providing high-end solutions for Django-based projects. Keep on reading to discover the most popular medium-size Django compatible providers which have already gained great recognition among Django developers!


    One of the most common hosting services used by hundreds of Django developers, that can make a decent competition to GCP, AWS and Azure. It is highly valued for its simplicity in use, straightforward setup, and great performance. With this said, you’ll hardly find Django developers that haven’t hosted their projects at DigitalOcean’s hosting.

    Best Features of DigitalOcean:

    • Affordable rates
    • Accessible for users with different expertise levels
    • Advanced security
    • Supports Ubuntu, CentOS, FreeBSD, and others
    • Features 9 data centers across the USA, UK, Singapore, and the Netherlands

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • No cPanel
    • No Windows support
    • Email-based support only

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    Plans & Pricing: The service offers a 60-day trial, after which you can choose between the plans starting at $5/mo and $20/mo if you want CPU-optimized servers.


    The US-based service is mainly targeted at advanced developers ready to pay for high-quality hosting services. Unlike most competitors, Linode is pretty versatile and covers plenty of pro features such as a dedicated CPU, Kubernetes, and Bare Metal options which ensure a smooth performance of projects of any complexity.

    Best Features of Linode:

    • Top-notch hardware
    • Simple & easy backup options
    • Uptime guarantee
    • Wide coverage (over 130 countries)
    • Free access to Cloud Firewall and VLAN service

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Poor customer support
    • Paid backups only
    • In 2013 the service had several security breaches

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    Plans & Pricing: The pricing plans are versatile and mostly depend on the features you need, ranging from $10/mo to $400/mo.


    This Django hosting service is one of the fastest in terms of speed and reliability. With nearly two decades of market presence, the site has got large support amongst the developers’ community, and so far hosts over 2 million domains across the globe.

    Best Features of SiteGround:

    • 24/7 client support by phone or live chat
    • Free features (SSL, one-click WP migration, unlimited bandwidth)
    • Decent security (anti-spam apps, hotlink protection, penetration monitoring)
    • Data centers located in America, Europe, and Asia
    • Automatic backups

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • No free plans available
    • No Windows support
    • Limited disk space depending on the plan

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    Plans & Pricing: The subscription plans start at €5.99/mo and feature different resource capacities for each option. SiteGround doesn’t offer free trials and can turn out really expensive as your project scales.

    A2 Hosting

    The service offers great packages at the average pricing, which makes it one of the leading options for business, eCommerce, blogging, cPanel, and others. A2 Hosting works perfectly for WordPress hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, and many other services

    Best Features of A2 Hosting:

    • Transparent pricing system & Chargeback guarantee
    • SSAE16 secured servers
    • Free access to a custom backup tool
    • Robust hosting packages, particularly WordPress
    • Great uptime guarantee

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Poor customer support
    • No Windows support
    • Cheaper plans feature limited functionality

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    Plans & Pricing: The pricing plan starts at $3.92/mo, which is not the cheapest on the market, but really worth it due to the extensive number of tools it provides.


    Is one of the most Python-focused solutions that features excellent functionality under the AWS infrastructure. PythonAnywhere also supports iOS and Android, which can be exceptionally important for Django development projects.

    Best Features of PythonAnywhere:

    • Great scalability
    • Free-of-charge SSL support
    • Pre-installed Python environment
    • Seamless learning curve and easy setup
    • Perfectly features for studies and entry-level development

    Possible Drawbacks to Consider:

    • Email support only
    • Cannot be applied to real-time apps
    • Free plans come with limited bandwidth, memory, and other functions

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    Plans & Pricing: The pricing starts at $5/mo, which is pretty affordable for junior-level users, but there are also custom plans up to $500/mo which covers more specific functionality.

    What Django Hosting Does Uvik Recommend to Use

    With years of presence in software development, Uvik has accumulated decent expertise across multiple Django hosting platforms, from the popular Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Platform to more industry-specific such as Hetzner, Heroku, A2 Hosting, and more.

    Unlike other developers, the key point of our team is that we don’t stick to a single solution when developing Django-based products. Instead, we try to find the best provider that ideally suits each project in particular, covering its basic needs and goals.

    That is why in our portfolio you can find a variety of offshore software development solutions delivered with multiple Django hosting services, that are sure to provide the highest profitability to our clients.

    Some of the most popular solutions we apply include AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Hetzner, Heroku, DigitalOcean, and more. Moreover, our team is always open to communication, which means your opinion and preferences will always be a top priority throughout the project development process.

    So, once you’ve decided to launch a project that involves Django hosting services and needs any sort of assistance – feel free to reach out to Uvik. Our experts are always here to help you create the best web or app-based product that ideally fits your preferences and needs.

    Final Thoughts

    To conclude, getting your best hosting for Python Django can be really challenging, and comes with a wide range of aspects to consider. Nevertheless, a detailed comparison of the options available, including their pros and cons, pricing, and features will help you to figure out the decent Django hosting solution that ideally works for your specific needs.

    Overall, Uvik’s top specialists from Ukraine and Poland suggest reviewing the most popular providers, highlighting and analyzing the options which, in your opinion, can most suit your business size, aim, background, and personal preferences.

    If you have some trouble with defining the right Django hosting provider for your business, Uvik is always here to help. Our team has vast experience in Django development services and is always ready to provide high-qualified assistance on any stage of project development, from consultancy and planning to software delivery and maintenance.

    Already have a project to discuss? Contact Uvik today and get first-class assistance in any aspect related to Django development!


    What is the cheapest Django hosting?

    If you’re willing to get a decent Django hosting provider at the most reasonable costs, try Heroku, PythonAnywhere or Linode. These services offer the most affordable plans, as well as free-of-charge options for launching different app solutions, from MVPs and personal projects to more complex business-focused applications.

    What is the best Django hosting in 2022?

    Choosing the best Django hosting and beyond mainly depends on the needs and requirements of your Django-based project. Some of the decent options that are surely worth your attention include Bluehost, GreenGeeks, A2 Hosting, HostGator, and AWS.

    Are there the best free Django hosting?

    In most cases, Django hosting providers offer free plans with limited functionality for launching simple, noncommercial projects on their platform. Some of the must-try free-of-charge Django hosting providers include PythonAnywhere, Amazon AWS, OpenShift, and Heroku.

    Which Django hosting platform is the most stable?

    Nearly all the popular Django compatible web hosting services ensure the robust performance of their services to meet the diverse numbers of business needs and requirements. For instance, those who want an accelerated CPU performance and faster page loads using A2 Hosting, while users who need a simple solution with a seamless learning curve opt for InMotion Hosting. Bluehost will ideally work for VPS Django hosting while HostGator ensures excellent technical assistance and client support.

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    Top 5 Large-Scale Django Web Hosting Companies - 13

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