Django Website Examples: 10 Popular Websites Built With Django

Django Website Examples: 10 Popular Websites Built With Django - 1
Paul Francis

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    Building a website and need to choose the appropriate programming language and framework? In this article, you will find your fascinating Python Django website example. But first, let’s find what is special about this framework.

    With a variety of available frameworks, it may be challenging to choose the one you need. Statista suggests 25 of the most popular frameworks among developers, where 14.65% of respondents use Django. It is not the most popular one, but many companies choose this high-level Python framework for their development projects.

    Free Consultation

    If you want to optimize your business by creating a high-quality web application, we have a solution. The UVIK consultants are always ready to assist companies in developing their Django websites. Here you can find the best IT experts to grow your business.

    Is Django the best choice for web development?

    Read on and explore successful examples of Django website development.

    The Most Popular Websites Using Django

    In 2022, over 29512 companies from different industries (machine learning, retail, real estate, AI, and software development) have started using the Django framework. And this number will increase significantly in 2024, as Django has much to offer developers.

    The number of websites that use Django is challenging to count as some use the framework for their website development projects or switch to it over time. Here we will explore the best examples of websites made in Django. You can get inspiration and know more about the framework benefits for your future projects. You can get inspiration and know more about the framework benefits for your future Django websites.

    1. NASA

    NASA is one of the successful examples of Django websites. This framework ensures a high level of security that is detrimental to this company. The website operates flawlessly, even having about a million daily users. The site stands out with a user-friendly inference and design and supports high-definition videos.

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    2. National Geographic

    National Geographic is a complex, data-driven website popularizing nature-related content. The company needed Django to meet their needs for custom content management and high-definition original clips. The National Geographic Education page relies on the Django content management system (CMS).

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    3. Netflix

    Netflix is one of the most famous Django-based websites, ensuring smooth user experiences for millions of subscribers. Anyone can use the website without special instructions. The framework helps give people the right recommendations for movies thanks to powerful analytics and machine learning capabilities.

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    4. Robinhood

    Robinhood is a financial service known for commission-free investing and tools that helps people to build their successful financial future. It deals with stock, ETF, currency, and cryptocurrency trading. The broker uses powerful features of the Django framework to ensure flawless functioning and secure financial operations.

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    5. Boeing

    Another one of the popular websites built with Django. Boeing is a big company with thousands of employees that generated $62.29 in revenue in 2021. This multinational corporation designs, manufactures and sells airplanes, satellites, rockets, and telecommunications equipment worldwide. They aim to advance aerospace technology, and Django assists them with that. The framework enables the company to operate efficiently in a secure environment.

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    6. Uber

    Uber is a large taxi driver network that is one of the best Django Python example websites. It grew from a small startup to a successful world company in ten years thanks to the active implementation of technological advancements. Django and Python ensure the handling of large amounts of data. They control Uber’s APIs, calculations, and business logic and ensure accurate estimations. Among the websites developed in Python/Django, this is really perhaps one of the most famous and functional.

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    7. Spotify

    Spotify helps people find, listen to and share music for free. It is very convenient to use as everyone can enjoy the results of algorithms selecting relevant music for listeners. They used Django for fast backend and machine learning options. The framework ensures fast processing and storage of massive amounts of data.

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    Django eCommerce Website Examples

    There are not so many popular eCommerce sites that use Django. However, many online shops are built in this framework. A lot of IT experts work in the field of eCommerce site development and can create a high-quality website for online shopping for you. Django e-commerce tools include Oscar, Saleor, and Django-SHOP. Every company has unique needs, and a developer will incorporate into your project additional features for positive customer and administrator experiences.

    Django is the right framework to build a shop, consisting of the following features:

    • Scalable: Django scales excellently with business growth. The framework will help you to handle thousands of visitors at a time.
    • Feature-rich: It is empowered with a variety of features for smooth user authentication, content management, and RSS feed in your online store.
    • Secure: The Django website ensures a secure shopping experience for merchants and customers.
    • SEO-friendly: Your web store will rank high in search engine results as Django uses best SEO practices. You can get lots of sitemap features and human-readable URLs for your marketing success.

    RTW Shop

    RTW Shop is a Django-based eCommerce website consisting of many user-friendly functionalities. We use it as an example of an online shop site project to show you how it operates. The public-site features include login and registration, home, list of the available products, search products, adding items to the cart, payment, place order, profile, update profile, and logout.

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    Django is perfect for eCommerce startups, so if you plan to build an eCommerce platform, we are always ready to help. The UVIK web developers have experience building eCommerce websites, so you can fully rely on us for fast and efficient web development.

    Famous Companies That Use Django for Their Web Apps

    There are many Django using companies that use Django for building their web applications. This framework is a great choice to develop a project from scratch. Companies choose Django for rapid development and clean design. Let’s find amazing examples of Django web apps, and you will finally decide that this framework will work for your company.


    Disqus is one of the largest and most popular Django websites with millions of users that benefit from the feature-rich commenting system. It’s a famous platform handling 50 million comments per month in 70 languages with the help of Django scalability. Django monitors errors and optimizes processes to ensure a flawless user experience. Disqus chose this framework because of the growing number of users and plenty of ready-to-implement options.

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    Instagram is a popular video and photo-sharing platform with 1.28 billion monthly active users. The massive audience requires advanced tech solutions, and Django helps Instagram process large amounts of data and user interactions seamlessly. The co-founders of Instagram started easily with Django and developed the first version of the app in about two weeks. Now we all can benefit from a custom and efficient tool.

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    YouTube is a world-popular video-sharing platform that uses Python and the Django framework. Initially, it was developed as a PHP-based project, but it joined the Django community because of the rapid audience growth. Now they suggest new features frequently to satisfy users’ needs. And Django ensures the flawless performance of the video hosting.

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    Pinterest uses Django to handle tons of high-volume images and millions of user interactions. This social network is a place where people can follow each other and share pins and boards. The framework has rich functionality and maintains performance efficiently. Using Django, the Pinterest algorithms select the user’s feed according to their interests incorporating machine learning and AI.

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    Another Django web application example that is worth your attention is a cloud-based storage service Dropbox. Millions of users can access it online due to the Django framework that optimizes synchronization, sharing, and storage of large files. The cloud storage service used Django for the backend and client desktop software. Developers added a user history option and enabled account synchronization.

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    Why Do Companies Use Django

    You can come across a lot of websites using Django, and there are many reasons they choose this framework. With the Django structure, companies benefit from a fast and easy development process for a reasonable price. It’s one of the best Python frameworks that optimize the work process of websites working with data and databases.

    This free and open-source framework is based on an MVT architectural pattern. Django attracts developers and companies with a multitude of Django benefits. Let’s find more reasons why you should look for Django development for your web projects:

    • It’s a developed ecosystem with a lot of third-party applications.
    • It ensures a smooth and simple development process due to reusability and pluggability.
    • This versatile framework can be used for developing CRM systems, CMS, communication, machine learning, document management platforms, and more.
    • The framework generates semantic URLs that make it SEO friendly.
    • Django has a customizable interface with an admin panel generated automatically.
    • It is a framework with comprehensive documentation for quick reference.
    • You will find all the necessary libraries and tools within the framework, including HTTP libraries, Django ORM, etc.
    • Django has a solid security system protecting your web application or site from SQL injection, cross-site scripting, clickjacking, and other cyber attacks.
    • It is a scalable framework for flawless load-balancing and clustering that boost efficiency.
    • Django is fully packed with features for fast task execution.
    • It’s great for developing high-load web applications due to the MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture.
    • Django supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases.
    • It has a powerful templating engine and markup language.
    • The framework is easy as it depends on the Python code readability and use of whitespace.
    • Django has a vibrant community with over 11,000 developers from 166 countries.

    The UVIK experts can help you develop Django-powered websites. We have a lot of successful case studies, including eCommerce platforms, collaboration software, and web applications developed by our Python experts. They perfectly managed web scraping, data collection, and multiprocessing. So not wait to address our consultants as soon as you need support with Python web framework projects.

    Final Thoughts

    Looking at these successful Django examples, you understand that this framework is a smart decision for urgent web development. Have you noticed that websites made with Django have one thing in common? This is a modern look. A scalable, fast, and secure structure is suitable for any web application project.

    If you are sure Django will satisfy all your needs about the website or web app development but do not want to lose time and money on IT experts’ research, we are here to help you. UVIK is a professional IT staff augmentation company that will find qualified Django developers for your company. You can contact us by filling out the inquiry form or following us on social media.


    Can you make a website with Django?

    Django is a great option for building web apps and websites. You can easily develop a full-fledged site using a powerful Django framework. It’s possible to use the most popular packages and Python tools for your website building. Many libraries help solve problems easily, not focusing much on coding.

    Which web apps are built on Django?

    The web framework of Python — Django is an excellent solution for building scalable web applications. Such companies as Instagram, Pinterest, Mozilla, Spotify, Eventbrite, and National Geographic use Django apps. This framework ensures you benefit from a large-scale web application highly protected from cyber attacks.

    Is YouTube built on Django?

    YouTube was PHP-based initially, but its increasing popularity made the platform owners switch to Django. The 2.6-billion audience pushed the need for fast implementation of new features and eliminating mistakes. Django functionalities allow the video-sharing platform to operate flawlessly.

    Is Instagram built on Django?

    Instagram is one of the most popular Django-based platforms. This fast-growing social network has 1.28 billion monthly active users. Thanks to Django, Instagram can handle vast amounts of data and user interactions. With the ready-to-implement instruments, the team’s productivity increases, and they can satisfy the growing demand.

    Why did famous companies choose Django?

    YouTube, Google, Instagram, and many other large world companies prefer their website made with Django because it’s a safe, versatile, scalable, fast, and fully packed framework. At the same time, it is an extremely efficient tool for startups that seek solutions to reflect the vision and goals of the company.

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