Discover the Power of AI for Your Business [Consultancy Guide] | Uvik

Discover the Power of AI for Your Business [Consultancy Guide] | Uvik - 1
Paul Francis

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    The implementation of AI into business to harness the potential of data and cloud services is gaining traction like nothing else today. Visionary leaders are cautiously switching to data-driven models leveraging cloud services to maximize IT resources. Companies increasingly turn to artificial intelligence consultants for business as commercial operations get more digital and technological.

    In essence, AI consulting assists in creating a tailored AI strategy that matches a company’s objectives and resources. Another role of AI consulting is identifying AI use cases. It may be as simple as automating processes or more complex tasks like improving decision-making, or enhancing customer experiences. The popularity of AI shouldn’t come as a surprise. With an annual growth rate of 19% from 2023 to 2032, the worldwide artificial intelligence market was valued at USD 454.12 billion in 2022. It is predicted to reach over USD 2.58 trillion by 2032.

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    Source: KPMG

    Looking for a clear plan for how to implement AI into your day-to-day operations? UVIK consultants specialize in assisting businesses in driving change and growth through custom-made AI solutions. We will identify the perfect plan for every need, from continuing IT assistance to incorporating AI into business procedures, using our experience. UVIK consultants understand how critical it is to smoothly integrate artificial intelligence into an organization’s processes and systems.

    In this article, we share our expertise on how businesses overcome obstacles to implementing AI, like long development, cost-related issues, and take a closer look at how AI consultants can help companies develop custom AI solutions.

    Who Are Artificial Intelligence Consultants?

    AI Consultants are in charge of planning, developing, and implementing corporate solutions covering aspects of the Artificial Intelligence spectrum. For instance, virtual assistants, chatbots, machine learning, and cognitive services.

    AI business consultants are experts in handling diverse business challenges like customer support, data analysis, demand forecasting, fraud issues, image and video recognition, among others, using logical algorithms and AI. By developing prognostic and predictive models utilizing machine learning, statistical modelling, and optimization, they can impact and improve business efficiency, decision-making, and consumer experiences. One of the most important AI consultant skills is executing an entire project from data audit and identification through model maintenance in production.

    Why Do You Need AI Consultants for Your Business?

    According to a 2021 poll by IBM and Morning Consult, one-third of businesses have used AI, and almost half are eyeing it. However, organizations identify the following three reasons as barriers to artificial intelligence adoption:

    • Insufficient AI competence or knowledge
    • Data silos and rising data complexity
    • Shortage of AI model development tools/platforms

    When properly implemented, AI technology may help businesses save time and money by the following:

    • automating and optimizing mundane procedures and operations
    • boosting output and efficiency in the workplace
    • leveraging the outputs of cognitive technology to make quick business judgments.

    Overall, hiring an AI consultant for your solution allows you to get the needed expertise in artificial intelligence without the need to develop such expertise in-house. With AI consultants on board you will be able to implement AI solutions faster and more effectively which will reduce the costs in the long run. That said, these are not the only benefits AI consultants bring to the table.

    Strategic Planning

    To put it simply, an artificial intelligence strategy is a blueprint for how an enterprise will implement AI tools to advance its strategic goals and acquire a market advantage. Understanding the technological, operational, and ethical concerns that come along with AI’s possible uses is essential. It requires an in-depth familiarity with the technological, operational, and ethical issues that accompany AI and its prospective uses.

    • What are the company’s plans for AI?
    • How much money and other assets does it take to launch AI?
    • How can a company, mitigate the potential harm and deal with the ethical questions raised by AI?
    • How may AI be used, and where specifically, in the company?

    AI consultant experts can help businesses address these issues before investing time and money into AI deployment.

    Leveling Up Current Processes

    As we’ve mentioned, businesses in various sectors can benefit from consulting services provided by AI engineers and experts. This is easier said than done, though, as it requires multiple phases and will take some time.

    AI consulting companies specializing in artificial intelligence play many important roles, including:

    • Enabling the efficient use of company assets.
    • Finding methods to save money without sacrificing quality is a top priority.
    • Creating, implementing, tweaking, and sustaining AI software.
    • Educating employees on the usage of equipment for daily work.
    • Planning for the company’s continued success and growth in the future.

    An in-depth analysis of the client’s requirements is the first step in any successful IT consulting process. This step is needed to assess the company’s present IT setup, learn about its unique requirements, and find places where AI and ML may be utilized to their full potential. IT experts can then make suggestions that are specific to the company and its goals and resources.

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    Source: Data Science Process Alliance

    Additional Tech Expertise

    IT consulting is helpful for strategic planning when needs have been identified. They lay out a thorough strategy for incorporating AI and ML, considering costs, timetables, available resources, and potential dangers. The AI and ML objectives of the company will be pursued with the help of this comprehensive strategy.

    Choosing an AI consultant who has in-depth knowledge of this technology can prove to be advantageous. In essence, artificial intelligence is an umbrella term for several technologies and approaches. That’s why a professional AI consultant understands them well.

    Thus, their expertise helps them assess your company’s requirements and develop a plan of action more efficiently. Consultants with a “one size fits all” approach may not be the best choice if problems arise throughout a project.

    Develop a Custom Solution

    In recent years, many companies have launched AI-based initiatives to generate revenue. Yet, AI is still in its early stages of adoption, and any organization needs to tailor it to its needs. There are few ready-to-use, off-the-shelf solutions for these kinds of initiatives.

    Therefore, AI initiatives often need some additional effort, which may be carried out either in-house or in close partnership with an AI consulting firm.

    While there are certainly substantial obstacles to putting AI into practice, they are not impossible to overcome. Several companies effectively build and implement AI solutions, and experience of many businesses proves it. Some rely on in-house capacities and invest in data quality, talent acquisition, application integration, and ethical AI activities. While others find it more efficient to cover the lacking internal expertise by turning to AI consultants.

    Additionally, the development of cutting-edge AI technologies like reusable AI foundation models has made it easier for smaller businesses to use AI. Overall, it is easier for big companies to develop their own AI expertise, while mid-size and smaller firms will find AI consultant’s services more beneficial and cost-effective without investing in a large in-house AI expert team.

    Benefits of AI Consultancy for Your Business

    AI consultancy expertise can help businesses find affordable AI strategies. It might involve sophisticated data analysis, optimization of processes or supply chains, or both. All of this helps lower expenses and boost income. However, these benefits just scratch the surface of what you may get by working with a professional AI consultant.

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    Source: StackOverflow

    Knowledge of AI at an Advanced Level

    First off, experts in artificial intelligence can help you navigate data science, deep learning, and neural networks, among other processes and applications. You’ll be able to accomplish the following with their help, thanks to their proficiency in AI and machine learning solutions:

    Automate Processes to Cut Costs

    One of the main benefits of AI-powered consulting for firms is the ability to optimize business processes with the help of AI. This is normally done by automating tedious tasks and streamlining inefficient flows. When applied to business, deep learning techniques can boost output, dependability, and effectiveness.

    Improve Decision-Making with Data Science

    The process of taking raw data and turning it into useful insights that may be used to guide operational and long-term business planning is also among the benefits of artificial intelligence consultancy. You may use big data analytics and predictive analytics to enhance your product or service with the help of a specialist in artificial intelligence. Use massive volumes of data for strategic development, streamlined operations, and improved employee productivity.

    Make Your System See Things Faster

    Artificial intelligence experts often work on computer-vision systems to aid in studying and recognizing visual content. Using neural networks, they can teach a computer to recognize things like faces, handwriting, and the motion of images faster than humans, all of which may be used to create useful new programs.

    Thanks to their extensive knowledge, AI consultants can offer tailored assistance depending on their clients’ unique needs.

    Effective Solutions for Better Scalability

    Consulting with AI experts is useful because of their emphasis on individualization. They have an appreciation for the fact that every company has its own data sets, objectives, and set of problems. Consequently, they invest in getting to know each customer and their unique requirements so that they can provide an optimally effective solution.

    Optimized and effective, their data-driven solutions are made to help firms automate mundane operations, boost productivity, and better allocate resources to reduce waste. In turn, this frees up the time and energy of other workers to devote to more high-level, growth-driving initiatives.

    Boosting Competitiveness

    You don’t have to go out and hire a brand new, fully trained workforce to dabble in AI. One option for making the most of these opportunities is to hire a consulting firm with expertise in assessing projects for viability and estimating the resources they will need. Prioritizing the complete hiring process isn’t as important as figuring out where the organization could use some help, so to speak, from AI.

    Decisions made throughout the employment process often have far-reaching effects. It’s not possible to move forward until management is satisfied with the proposed level of change. As a rule, consulting firms that specialize in AI can help you stand out from the competition by using AI technology and a tailored approach to strategy to:

    • Improve self-service and automation through AI.
    • Enhance customer experiences and corporate outcomes by using AI to supplement human workers.
    • Get more out of your contact center, in-house sales, and telemarketing efforts for strategic business goals.

    Categories of AI Consulting Services

    Not all business-related difficulties are the same; therefore, AI consulting services may also differ substantially. Let’s take a closer look at the various services consultants provide to better understand the importance of AI consulting and their involvement in a business. There are various ways in which AI consultants can benefit your business and the best part about it is many consulting firms provide offshore services to clients all around the world.

    Building Strategies

    Once a business has determined that it wants to implement an AI strategy, consulting may be helpful. AI strategy consultants provide a unique combination of technical competence and strategic insight, assisting firms to:

    • Determine their present level of AI preparedness.
    • Define a clear vision for AI adoption.
    • Carry out a proof of concept.
    • Create a plan and timeframes that are feasible.
    • Suggest an ideal team composition and related expenses.
    • Evaluate the design of AI and ML solutions.
    • Handle the associated risks.
    • Finally apply AI solutions that are in line with their business goals.

    Business Due Diligence

    To assist their clients in using AI solutions that correspond with their objectives, priorities, and capabilities, AI consultants must establish a strategic and comprehensive approach to AI consulting. Artificial intelligence consultants for business often assist customers in defining their AI vision and strategy, which should be consistent with their corporate goals, values, and priorities.

    At this stage, they assist them in articulating how AI can provide value to their customers, workers, and stakeholders, as well as the primary use cases and results they want. It is critical at this time to demonstrate to customers how to define realistic and tangible goals as well as prepare the roadmap and resources for AI adoption.


    The AI consulting firm is also primarily responsible for implementing and deploying the project (developing, integrating, modifying, etc.) following the approved plan.

    For example, if a company wishes to deploy chatbots to support customer care executives, the artificial intelligence consulting team would create the foundation required to set up AI chatbots and automate their responsibilities at the helpdesk.

    Employee Training

    Some AI consulting firms also provide training. After all, the end-user or employee must understand how to make use of the program. Training sessions are held to teach staff about the new AI application’s capabilities and how to deal with issues.

    In addition, if the business wants it, the consulting firm may continue to offer maintenance services. This means that AI professionals continuously verify the systems for flaws and enhance the features to ensure that they provide the most recent and expected services.

    What Problems Can AI Solve for Business?

    Although every firm is unique, even companies in entirely different sectors confront some of the same long-standing issues. In recent years, artificial intelligence has emerged as a technology that is well-positioned to address many of these commercial difficulties.

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    Fraud Management

    Handling more digital and mobile transactions provides clients with what they desire. However, it may give the crooks what they need—a chance to get critical personal and financial information. Companies are trying to satisfy demand while ensuring each transaction is screened for possible fraud as customer expectations for transaction speed rise.

    AI has emerged as the sole technological option capable of assisting businesses in processing such quick transactions. Some companies use AI and machine learning algorithms to filter and analyze data in a matter of seconds. As a consequence, it is possible to significantly reduce fraud, spammers, and a broad spectrum of financial crimes.

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    Customer Support

    The immediate nature of digital marketplaces means that the consumer experience is more important than ever. While businesses of the modern day may provide quicker transactions, they still have trouble providing around-the-clock assistance to their customers.

    Companies may now provide swift customer service across numerous platforms, even when no humans are available to answer questions, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence.

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    Data Analysis

    Although the increasing amount of data is helpful, structuring and mining all of this information is a challenge. Despite the fact that artificial intelligence has become an important aspect of data analysis in the past decade, organizing such data remains a difficult task.

    AI analytics, with the aid of current AI experts, helps organizations find trends, patterns, and outliers that suggest possible opportunities or hazards by analyzing massive volumes of data rapidly and effectively.

    It also helps firms automate decision-making processes, saving time and money when making complex decisions.

    How to Choose the Best AI Consulting Firm?

    AI consulting services are necessary for firms that want to use AI to boost productivity, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge. Consider the following aspects while selecting the optimal company that offers AI consulting for business:

    Proven Expertise And Experience

    First of all, before picking the first business that offers AI consulting services on the market you should always check if that vendor has a proven track record of successfully executing data and AI initiatives.

    Technical Skills

    A consultant’s AI technical abilities should go beyond just being informed, enabling them to swiftly mobilize and incorporate information into real-world solutions. These skills include, but are not limited to:

    • Deep cybersecurity understanding.
    • Machine learning and deep learning.
    • Programming language competence.
    • AI framework knowledge.
    • Robotic process automation (RPA).
    • Data engineering abilities and cloud services proficiency.

    Although this list is not extensive, these aspects matter when choosing the right expert for the job.

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    Strategic Approach

    The right AI consulting firm should take a strategic approach to AI project implementation, explaining how an AI solution aligns with business goals and objectives, providing a roadmap for the development and implementation process, and maintaining and updating the end product. This initial strategic effort could include frameworks for identifying a focused set of AI use cases, identifying potential risks and guardrails, creating actionable design prototypes, and recommending a process for exporting viable concepts to production flows for MVP tools that provide immediate value.

    Creativity and innovation

    AI technologies are all about creativity and innovation. Consulting firms should be technically sound and provide unique, effective, and efficient AI solutions, offloading cognitive load to easily automated processes, increasing efficiencies throughout, and refocusing human expertise on creative problem-solving for further iteration and refinement of AI tools.

    Final Thoughts

    As AI consultants focus on custom solutions, they invest in understanding each customer’s unique requirements and providing optimized data-driven solutions that help businesses automate mundane operations, boost productivity, and allocate resources efficiently. This approach can boost competitiveness and improve self-service, automation, customer experiences, and corporate outcomes.

    All in all, AI consultants can help your business, as their services are often crucial when implementing AI strategies and achieving business goals. AI consultants offer a unique combination of technical competence and strategic insight, helping firms determine their readiness, define a clear vision, create a plan, suggest ideal team composition, evaluate AI and ML solutions, handle associated risks, and apply AI solutions in line with their objectives.

    Looking for artificial intelligence consultant specializing in machine learning or artificial intelligence to swiftly boost the capabilities of your business? If you’re looking for competent AI experts, UVIK has them. Also, in less than a week, we can provide your business with skilled AI/ML consultant services tailored to your specific goals and budget. UVIK’s AI consultants are ready to take on your toughest problems, tailoring their work to each individual project and client’s unique needs. While maintaining an open line of communication and a willingness to provide future-proof solutions in the shortest amount of time at the lowest possible price. Contact us and we’ll assist you in developing the strategy for an AI your company requires.

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    Which businesses will benefit from AI consultancy services?

    Logistics, cybersecurity, healthcare, corporate security, R&D, banking, marketing, and e-commerce are just some of the sectors that stand to benefit from artificial intelligence. When it comes to logistics, AI’s knowledge workers will be invaluable, while AI-based risk management will be useful in the realm of cybersecurity. The early diagnosis of potentially fatal diseases can be facilitated by AI, speeding up the development of new drugs, and streamlining identity access control in business security. Information security will improve healthcare and financial services thanks to AI’s pattern recognition and fraud detection capabilities. Consulting services based on artificial intelligence will be useful in these fields and many more.

    What is the typical process of hiring an AI consultant firm?

    AI consultant specialists first assess an organization’s AI readiness, then develop a viable strategy, provide support, and assist in implementing AI technologies. They create a clear roadmap, implement solutions for potential challenges, and offer training and change management for the AI or ML solution. Then the consultants provide ongoing support for the project.

    How long does it usually take to implement an AI project?

    AI projects generally take three to 36 months to complete, depending on the breadth and complexity of the use case. Company executives frequently misjudge the time it takes to complete “data prep” before a data science engineer or analyst can create an AI system. That’s why hiring a professional AI consultant firm that has extensive expertise in AI and the machine learning industry is vital for forecasting an AI project’s turnaround.

    How soon can a business see the impact of implementing AI?

    Experienced data scientists and well-structured data may cut the implementation time to three months, but innovative ideas requiring data sourcing might take up to three years to create. The ROI of an AI project is still absolutely specific for each situation and is determined by the company’s performance in overcoming significant development and financial difficulties.


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